Galaxies HOsting Supernovae and other Transients (GHOST): A database of supernovae and the photometric and spectroscopic properties of their host galaxies.


  1. Create a clean conda environment.

  2. Run the following code:

pip install astro_ghost

Or, download this repo and run

python install

from the main directory.

Example Usage

import os
import sys
from astro_ghost.PS1QueryFunctions import getAllPostageStamps
from astro_ghost.TNSQueryFunctions import getTNSSpectra
from astro_ghost.NEDQueryFunctions import getNEDSpectra
from astro_ghost.ghostHelperFunctions import getTransientHosts, getGHOST
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime

#we want to include print statements so we know what the algorithm is doing
verbose = 1

#download the database from
#note: real=False creates an empty database, which
#allows you to use the association methods without
#needing to download the full database first
getGHOST(real=False, verbose=verbose)

#create a list of the supernova names, their skycoords, and their classes (these three are from TNS)
snName = ['SN 2012dt', 'SN 1998bn', 'SN 1957B']

snCoord = [SkyCoord(14.162*u.deg, -9.90253*u.deg, frame='icrs'), \
            SkyCoord(187.32867*u.deg, -23.16367*u.deg, frame='icrs'), \
            SkyCoord(186.26125*u.deg, +12.899444*u.deg, frame='icrs')]

snClass = ['SN IIP', 'SN', 'SN Ia']

# run the association algorithm!
# this first checks the GHOST database for a SN by name, then by coordinates, and
# if we have no match then it manually associates them.
hosts = getTransientHosts(snName, snCoord, snClass, verbose=verbose, starcut='normal')

#create directories to store the host spectra, the transient spectra, and the postage stamps
hSpecPath = "./hostSpectra/"
tSpecPath = "./SNspectra/"
psPath = "./hostPostageStamps/"
paths = [hSpecPath, tSpecPath, psPath]
for tempPath in paths:
    if not os.path.exists(tempPath):

now =
dateStr = "%i%.02i%.02i" % (now.year,now.month,
rad = 30 #arcsec
fn_SN = 'transients_%s.csv' % dateStr
transients = pd.read_csv("./transients_%s/tables/%s"%(dateStr,fn_SN))

#get postage stamps and spectra
getAllPostageStamps(hosts, 120, psPath, verbose) #get postage stamps of hosts
getNEDSpectra(hosts, hSpecPath, verbose) #get spectra of hosts
getTNSSpectra(transients, tSpecPath, verbose) #get spectra of transients (if on TNS)

The database of supernova-host galaxy matches can be found at, and retrieved using the getGHOST() function. This database will need to be created before running the association pipeline. Helper functions can be found in for querying and getting quick stats about SNe within the database, and provides example usages. The software to associate these supernovae with host galaxies is also provided, and provides examples for using this code.

GHOST Viewer

In addition to these software tools, a website has been constructed for rapid viewing of many objects in this database. It is located at Json files containing supernova and host information can be found at host spectra, SN spectra, and SN photometry are found at,, and